Случившийся на днях "наезд" английского гроссмейстера-масона Найджела Шорта на американского (филиппинского по происхождению) мистика-сектанта Уэсли Со надоумил меня открыть эту тему. Злой на язык англичанин подверг своего американского коллегу публичному осмеянию у себя в твиттере - за его ханжескую, показную "религиозность", причем, проявляемую на фоне ярко-антихристианской профессиональной активности, по ходу сплавного "турнира претендентов" в Берлине.
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Шорт побери! Гроссмейстер "оскорбил чувства верующих", ему стали угрожать
Время публикации: 14.03.2018 20:53
"Юмор продлеват жизнь? Это тем, кто смеётся, продлевает, а тем, кто острит - укорачивает", - заметил как-то писатель-сатирик, драматург Григорий Горин, ещё при жизни (увы, недолгой) ставший классиком.
Найджел Шорт - один из немногих гроссмейстеров, кто использует социальную сеть не для самопиара, а для того, чтобы сказать, когда есть что сказать, и сделать это так, как ему хочется. Мы уже сообщали, что его острый язык в твиттере может довести до судебного разбирательства с Кирсаном Илюмжиновым. А теперь, во время турнира претендентов Шорт, что называется, оскорбил чувства верующих.
После первого поражения Уэсли Со англичанин написал: "Господь оставил Уэсли сегодня. Наверное, он недостаточно хорошо помолился перед партией".
За второй неудачей американца последовало: "Молиться в воскресенье проблематично: у Бога выходной. Парадокс, но именно в этот день его осыпают просьбами. Неудивительно, что ему было не до турнира претендентов".
Напомним, Уэсли Со не раз проявлял свою религиозность, благодаря бога в интервью после целых турниров и отдельных партий.
Теперь кто-то принял Шорта за дьявола: на сайте с названием "Христианин сегодня" появилась статья, в которой сообщается о якобы "недовольствах шахматных болельщиков", а вскоре гроссмейстер сообщил, что ему стали угрожать физической расправой.
На наш вопрос, кто именно ему угрожает, англичанин предпочёл вспомнить Маргарет Тэтчер: "Нельзя давать террористам кислород гласности". Однако он не сомневается, от кого именно идут "недовольства болельщиков" и угрозы (заметим на всякий случай: Уэсли Со к этому, вероятно, не причастен).
Признаюсь, мое внимание в этом "конфликте СО-СО", подозрительным образом приуроченном к 65-й годовщине убийства Сосо-Кобы-Сета-Сталина и к очередным "выборам" наследника Сосо в РФ, привлекает, в первую очередь, то обстоятельство, что два гроссмейстера, по их ментальным особенностям, представляют собой полярные случаи мозгового расстройства. Шорт - типичный "левополушарник", Со - шизомистик правого полушария.
Поэтому мне захотелось начать у нас на форуме новую "психологическую" тему, разместив фрагмент замечательной лекции Марка Пассио как раз по вопросам ментальных извращений и отклонений от Истины, вызванных теми или иными видами умственного расстройства.
Думается, эта лекция будет тем более уместной и актуальной в свете недавней кончины (позавчера, 14 марта) еще одного англичанина - известного физика-теоретика Стивена Хокинга. Надо отдать должное Марку - он дал Хокингу блестящую, очень меткую и точную характеристику. Я далек от проведения сколько-нибудь далеко идущих параллелей между Хокингом и Шортом, но, на мой взгляд, обоих следует отнести к одной группе ментальных расстройств.
Mark Passio calls out Stephen Hawking's
(Для удобства читателей сопровождаю лекцию транскрипцией.)
So let’s look at the worldview schism that goes hand in hand with brain schism or the mental schism. Again, this is: "worldview" is exactly what it says: how do you view the world, how you view yourself and how you view others in it.
Well, when there is chronic left-brain dominance, the worldview that emerges is one of randomness and again this is a hallmark of scientism. The World is this Great Cosmic Accident, all right? The whole Universe is a Grand Accident, there is no purpose, right, there is no Creator, everything just magically manifested on its own for no reason from a single... a single singularity, a single point in space-time for no reason. You give me that one and I’ll tell you what… everything else that happened after that. But you have to give me that one, you know, and I have some bridges to sell you. So, you know, there is no underlying intelligence in Nature. Nature is dead, that’s what this worldview is about. Nature is dead, it’s a dead thing, it’s a mechanized machine that is there for no reason. There is no such thing as the Spirit at all, no such thing as spiritual dimension, no such thing as Natural Law, certainly, because for one to accept Natural Law – well, where does it come from?
You know, I ask people like whether they accept that Natural Law exists or that you know there’s actual objective truth and morality and like 2/3 of people don’t believe, don’t accept it, they don’t believe that it exists, they don’t think that there is an objective reality and objective truth and objective morality, you know. They think it’s all relative and we get to make it up. (Типичный случай такого умственного расстройства - гроссмейстер Н. Шорт. - мое прим.)
I’ve actually done a psychological, small psychological profiling or study, you know, just asking people this question at random and collecting results and analyzing them. Th’re about two thirds of people who are moral relativists and believe that truth is relative also, that it’s not objective, okay.
Now, you ask the same people: do you believe in karma? Eighty eight, almost 90% of people believe karma is real and it exists. So I’m like I can’t believe this – you gonna tell me that there is no such thing as a difference, real difference between right and wrong, humanities are just constructs in human mind is what they think, right, and simultaneously holding in their mind the idea that karma exists… well, I ask them the question: what put karma in place then? You believe it exists, what force created it? What made it? What put it in place? And they have no answer for that. They intuitively believe karma exists but can’t answer where did it come from. Because that would involve the Creator. And somebody in left brain imbalance can’t acknowledge that, you know.
So, to a left-brain imbalanced person there is no such thing as spiritual or natural law, it doesn’t exist. As a matter of fact, all existence has no other purpose other than to continue its existence – see, Survival is the highest aspiration to a left-brain imbalanced individual. Right and Wrong have no bearing, there is no point in even discussing it, okay, because right is what’s right for me if I’m super left-brain imbalanced, Wrong is whatever affects me negatively, okay?
It doesn’t matter what's actually moral, it’s all subjective to a left-brain imbalanced individual. And to them nothing has any purpose, since it all a grand cosmic accident – how could there be a purpose for existence. Without a creator who’s going to create the purpose for it? So, it has no purpose other than to continue SURVIVING. And again, that’s right there is proof: they are in the R-complex, in the base brain: survival is the highest goal, survival is the only aspiration.
Now, in Satanism it’s about as left-brain imbalance as it gets, folks. Their number one law is: SURVIVAL. Survival is the highest law. Okay, we hear about it in Darwinism too. The ultimate purpose of the being is to continue to survive. I would highly debate that, I would highly disagree with that, there are laws higher than survival. But in Satanism they simply refer to it as self-preservation. And that means preservation of systems of belief as well. Systems that are serving the self, the egoic self, they must continue to survive. Self-preservation as the highest law – that’s the number one tenet of Satanism. And it doesn’t matter who you need to step on to do it, who you need to step in to get one up on somebody else. This is extreme left-brain imbalance worldview.
All of these characteristics in the randomness worldview are hallmarks of scientism, atheism, totalitarianism and dark occultism you could add to that list. You know, whether you refer to it as Satanism, dark Luciferianism it doesn’t make a difference. It’s the hallmarks of the dark occult.
On the other side, on the right-brain imbalance side of the worldview there’s another worldview called determinism. Determinism is based in right-brain imbalance and is defined by in general helplessness, religiosity and the dismissal of free will. This worldview will eventually lead to a society of blind order-followers and willing slaves who accept their conditions as their lot in life. So, hallmarks of deterministic worldview: God controls every event in creation, nothing happens at random, there is no free will so you can never throw anything a curveball through free will.
Every event is preordained okay and religionists believe in this. See, I like to say: my presentation is going to piss everybody off and that’s what it should do because if you’re in one of these forms of belief systems, it represents one form of imbalance or another, so people who believe in government and science are in that left-brain imbalance they’re gonna to get pissed off that I’m talking about that form of imbalance and then the people who are in religion and the New Age movement they’re in that right form of imbalance so they’re going to get pissed off at that. Good, let them all be pissed off. The truth will piss you off and then it will set you free if you accept it.
So, you know, all currencies are preordained, free will is an illusion, no, you know who just said that in his latest book? Stephen Hawking who you would think is the most left-brain person that you can think worships at the altar of scientism, believes the Universe is a grand accident okay and a mechanized machine. He… and it’s like this comes full circle, it feeds off of each other like a feedback loop these forms of imbalance. He went so far through left-brain imbalance, he’s so in the left brain that he actually developed the hallmark of right-brain imbalance which is that there’s no such thing as free will. No such thing since it all a mechanized machine and there’s no consciousness, there can actually be no choice, we are actually robots controlled by matter.
Hawking believes this. He actually wrote this in his book. He said: free will is as dead as God. And people, millions of people buy this moron’s books and I’ll call him a moron right to his face. There’s not a drop of intelligence in that man and people think he is one of the most intelligent people in the world. You might be one of the most overly intellectual people in the world but you have no wisdom at all – zero, if that’s how you think.
And again, put him in front of me and I’ll tell it to him to his face. Okay, because these people actually believe he’s smart – that person isn’t smart, he’s dumb. He’s intellectual but that doesn’t make you intelligent, okay. He has no part if the big picture, none. Just because you can theorize something and visualize it and calculate it mathematically doesn’t make an intelligent person. That means you’re great at using the intellect, you are great at mathematics, you’re great in linear and logical thinking. That does not make you wise, alright.
So, you know, this to continue with the right-brain imbalance worldview, since God controls everything in Creation nothing is possible to change, human beings are powerless to create change, everything is being made to be this way by God. This is what religionists and right-brain imbalanced people think. So, therefore, why take any action? Action is ultimately meaningless. A big hallmark of the New Age community because it’s a religion you know. The Course in Miracles, oh we just need to accept everything the way that it is, right, folks? Doesn’t make a difference if Evil is running amok in our midst, no, accept it all, don’t try to change a damn thing, take no action, just observe. And see how far deeper that gets you into bondage. Because that’s the best way to get real deeper in the chains, okay?
So, these are all hallmarks of religious extremism and what I simply call slave-think because that’s what it is. Let’s not euphemize anything, let’s call them what it really is. This is master-think, that is slave-think. And if you want a world that continues to propagate slavery, you’ll stay in one of those forms of brain imbalance. And this right-brain imbalance in addition to religious extremism and slave-think is the hallmark of the New Age movement and their followers, their religious followers.
Now, there is a balance that is struck between these okay and that’s what everything is ultimately about – creating a balance because there are components to these two worldviews that if they come together it shows us what the truth is. And here it is right in the middle. There is a deterministic component to reality and there is a random component to reality existing in cooperation with each other, in conjunction with each other.
The deterministic component is what I’m talking about here today and referring to under the banner of the Natural Law - that is determined, it is law, it is set, you’re not changing it, it works that way flawlessly hundred percent of the time. That’s determined. Natural Law is determined, okay, it’s the deterministic component to reality.
Then there is a randomness component to reality that works continuously in conjunction with natural law, and this called, this is a little thing called free will. Our ability to choose our behaviors, to do certain things and to not choose to do certain things. And we have it, every individual has it no matter what position, no matter what situation they’re in I don’t care what institution you’re in, I don’t care what… who you listen up to this point, I don’t care what background you come from, I don’t care what economic class you come from – every single solitary being that is capable of thinking at all is gifted with free will. You have free will to choose your behaviors and so does every other human being, everyone, okay?
It’s a gift of creation itself – that we can choose what we will do and nobody can actually make anybody do something like a robot. Oh, believe me, there’s people who are trying, you know, like I talked about Jose Delgado who was searching for means to electronically directly control through chip implants and stimulus, through chip implants in the brain human behavior like a robot. To put a technology into the brain to control the behavior of the individual.
And that went on right here, this is where that took place, folks, right on Yale’s campus. Read some of his stuff. You wonna be disturbed… if you think I’m telling something disturbing, read some of Delgado’s material. He was telling people: we are going to show you that free will doesn’t exist. We are going to show you there’s no such thing as rights, that we make up what rights are. The ruling class makes up what a right or wrong is and we tell you what it is and you have no choice. And he was telling: we are going to show you you have no rights, that you are slaves. Yeah, read some of his material. And next one I recommend too: Jim Keith “Mass control, The Engineering of Human Consciousness”. You have to get that book and get to read it. And that is just introduction. And many people think he was murdered over it.
So, truth lies in the middle of these worldviews. There is the deterministic component called Natural Law and there’s random component called free will, our ability to choose our behavior freely.