Уважаемые друзья, позвольте предложить вашему вниманию несколько выдержек из последнего капитального историософского труда Генри Макова «Иллюминаты. Культ, укравший мир.» Как мне кажется, это достаточно репрезентативная подборка, однако чуть позднее я ее еще дополню. Книга Г. Макова заслуживает самого серьезного внимания. Желающие могут ознакомиться с ней вот по этому адресу:
Справка об авторе из темы "Сопротивление":
...Знаете, есть такой канадский публицист «еврейского происхождения» – Генри Маков. Я много лет уже за его творчеством слежу, у него раньше был неплохой сайт savethemales.ca, посвященный борьбе с Гоминтерном. Теперь у него новый сайт, тоже неплохой:
http://henrymakow.com/Так вот, из 100+ миллионного интернационала сатаны, Генри Маков – один из немногих кандидатов на звание «приличного еврея». Он почти все правильно говорит и пишет. Даже правильнее, чем Исраэль Шамир.
Но вот с мифом о «халдейской национальности» никак не может расстаться. Прямо доходит до смешного.
Может, конечно, это с его стороны военная хитрость такая – чтобы получить хоть какой-то доступ к СМИ, выдает себя человек за ультрафашистского еврея. Иначе говоря – «борется с врагом изнутри».
В двух словах, его теория заключается в следующем: евреи – сообщество «полезных идиотов», их все используют, кому не лень, а они по глупости и жадности всем позволяют себя использовать, пока им за это платят.
А на последствия своих действий внимания не обращают, опять же, главным образом, по глупости, беспринципности и недалекости своей. Больше всех «евреев» пользуют Иллюминаты, во главе с Ротшильдами.
Если помните, у нас на ИШФ был один болгарский товарищ, он излагал похожую теорию.
Причем, что интересно, хозяева Иллюминатов банкиры Ротшильды, по теории Г. Макова, - это те же саббатиане (масоны, коммунисты, социалисты, содомиты, либералы, феминисты, фашисты, и т.д.). И идеология у них одна – каббала. А б-г их – люцифер.
В конечном итоге, у Макова получается, что синагога и саббатианство, «организованное еврейство» и Содом - суть одно, и все вместе они работают на уничтожение христианской цивилизации, семьи, частной собственности, национальных государств и всего человечества.
Морально разлагают и целенаправленно оглупляют человечество ради достижения абсолютной власти над ним. По схеме 3D: distract, deceive и divide.
Все это довольно близко к нашему собственному выводу: «интернационал сатаны един и целостен».
И вроде бы у него даже правильно выходит, что подлинными наследниками Ветхого Израиля являются христиане, а никакие не «евреи».
Однако от своей веры в «еврейскую национальность» (расу) Г. Маков отказаться никак не хочет. Может (повторюсь) из каких-то своих прагматических соображений, нам недоступных. Хотя из-за этого его теория сильно теряет в цельности, связности и последовательности.
Позвольте предложить уважаемым пешкинцам послушать радио-интервью Г. Макова (на английском языке). Оно довольно любопытно.
Среди прочих вещей, он утверждает, что Мартин Борман был советским шпионом, и его деятельность лично прикрывал от немецкой военной разведки (Р. Гелена и В. Канариса) А. Хит_лер. Оба, конечно, являлись агентами Иллюминатов, привычно контролировавших обе стороны в конфликте.
Хотелось бы услышать отзывы и оценки.
The Cult that Hijacked the World
Henry Makow Ph.D.
But remember one thing: if you can not help yourselves and surrender to the "inevitable realities", who do you think is going to help you, even if they could? If you yourself are not willing to put down the fire in your own house, who is going to do it for you if you do not even have an idea in your mind to resist the all-consuming and all-engulfing evil?
Our leaders are not chosen for their intelligence or achievement but rather because they are able to win the peoples' trust and willing to betray it. They are chosen by a small Satanic cult - Cabalistic bankers and Freemasons - that controls the world's finances and media. Our "leaders" are junior members of this international cult, called the Order of the Illuminati.
Many "leaders" are kept in line by having them indulge in horrifying occult rituals including human sacrifices, sexual orgies, pedophilia, rape, torture and murder.
The Illuminati goal is to degrade and enslave humanity, mentally and spiritually, if not physically. This group's influence is like a cancer that extends throughout society. It has subverted many seemingly benevolent organizations (like charities and professional associations) and most political movements, especially Zionism, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Neo-conservatism and Fascism. This is why society seems to be run by soulless men with pinched faces who spout platitudes and exude evil.
The Illuminati have subverted all religions and institutions including one group that fancies itself "chosen by God." In fact, leaders of this group figure prominently in creating this Satanic dispensation. But whenever critics suggest that the "Chosen" are being misled and betrayed, they are accused of "racism"-a clever way of quashing resistance.
Thus, attention to the most pressing problem of all time is dismissed as "prejudice." And the Chosen continue to be pawns, scapegoats and human shields for their diabolical and deceitful "leaders."
Like a security beam, Illuminati tyranny is invisible until you cross it. Then, doors silently close and positions of influence are denied. If you persist, you are slandered, bankrupted or even killed. In the future, truth tellers and dissenters will be denied access to credit and trade. It is amazing how easily we have succumbed to tyranny.
Public success is determined by acquiescence-witting or unwitting-in this diabolical conspiracy.
…the central banking cartel is the only group with both the motive and the means to take over the world. Consisting mainly of Cabala-believing Jews and Freemasons, it is the head of the octopus. Zionism, Freemasonry, organized Jewry, Imperialism, Jesuits, Vatican, Intelligence agencies, mass media, etc. are among countless octopus arms.
The ideology of world tyranny, Illuminism, derives from the Jewish Cabala which preaches that man (i.e. the bankers) can usurp the place of God and redefine truth.
According to Miller, the goals of the Illuminati (Communism and the NWO) were the destruction of Christianity, monarchies, nation-states (in favor of their world government or "internationalism"), the abolition of family ties and marriage by means of promoting homosexuality and promiscuity; the end of inheritance and private property; and the suppression of any collective identity in the spurious name of "universal human brotherhood," i.e. "diversity." (p. 185)
Гей-парад в Тель-Авиве, 8 июня 2012 г.
The CJC doesn't want Jews to know that the Jewish enterprise has been hijacked. Jewish leadership has perverted the ideal of a holy people chosen to advocate for morality into an elite self-chosen to take God's place. The bankers use this Jewish Messianism as an instrument to consolidate their material, spiritual and cultural hegemony.
Judaism (with Communism & Zionism) are systems to control Jews, and through them the human race.
This tyranny is also the first in history which cannot be mentioned for fear of being branded "anti-Semitic" and a "hater." Trust me, the hatred is entirely on the Cabalist side.
What would we think of Italians if they defended Al Capone and organized crime?
Organized Jewry uses "anti-Semitism" and "hate" like a witch doctor's curse from which all shrink in horror. To neutralize this voodoo, we should wear the badge of anti-Semite with pride, asserting that it stands for opposition to the disproportionate Jewish (and crypto-Jewish) role in advancing the New World Order.
I am an assimilated Jew. I identify with the human race first, my countrymen second, and Jews third. I have had no Jewish education and don't regularly associate with Jews. So far, except for the Ten Commandments and a few parts of the Old Testament, the "religion" doesn't attract me. "Know them by their fruits," Jesus said.
In his book, "Jewish History, Jewish Religion" (1994) Israel Shahak confirmed my suspicion that Judaism is not a religion.
The next step for me was concluding that Judaism is a pagan racial creed at best, and a Satanic secret society at worst. The nature of a secret society is that the membership is fed idealistic platitudes and isn't told the real agenda.
Most Jews are unaware that Judaism largely eschews the Old Testament in favor of the Talmud and Cabala. Very few Jews read these books. If they did, they might realize that the Talmud is full of hate and contempt for non-Jews. They would discover that the Cabala is the basis of modern witchcraft, astrology, numerology, tarot cards, black magic, androgyny, sex worship and much of the New Age movement. It teaches that good and evil are one and that black is white and vice-versa.
Cabalist Jews tell this joke privately: "An orthodox Jew is interviewing three applicants for a job. He asks them, 'What is 2 plus 2?' The first two applicants answer 4 and 22. He kicks them out. The third answers, "'Whatever you want it to be.' He is hired." This is what we are up against in the NWO, an attempt to reshape truth itself according to self-interest.
According to Texe Marrs, the Cabala teaches that the "holy serpent is the true God; that all the evil that a person does, through alchemy is magically transformed into righteousness; and that yes, Lucifer is Lord. Satan is the true and only god. That is the essential doctrine of Cabalism." (Codex Magica p.426.)
I suspect the Cabala is the blueprint of the post-Christian era, the reason we are drowning in media-generated occultism, pornography, violence and fear.
As a youth, I was told that Jews always have been hated for no reason. (This is how the leadership controls and manipulates Jews.) My grandparents died in the holocaust and my parents bore the scars of passing as non-Jews in Nazi Europe. I was told Israel was the answer to centuries of persecution. I saw my fellow Jews in America as a small and vulnerable community.
If your ethnic or religious group is secretly being used for evil, you had better distance yourself or you will be left holding the bag.
We maybe approaching a crisis. Organized Jewry and their Masonic allies are following a script based on End Times Biblical prophesies (which they may have written or modified.) This script calls for a Third World War and mass destruction of all people including 2/3 of all Jews. The New World Order is supposed to rise from the debris.
The human race is entering a Dark Age. As the New World Order is enacted, anti-Semitism inevitably will grow. Now is the time for Jews to awaken and take a stand. Now, there is no reward for such a courageous act, only scorn. Later if anti- Semitism becomes rampant, Jews will have to circle their wagons. It will be too late.
The truth-that mankind is controlled by Satanists-is hard to prove conclusively. But in more than 60 articles, I show that this is the most convincing explanation for mankind's morass.
History repeats itself because it follows a prepared script.
In a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini dated August 15, 1871, Albert Pike, the Grand Commander of U.S. Freemasonry foretold "three world wars." The first two have transpired as predicted.
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" [agents] of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other."
The stage is being set in the Persian Gulf, Eastern Europe and the Caucuses for a nuclear conflagration pitting Russia, China and Iran against the U.S., the EU and Israel. The Rothschilds control both sides. Jews - all of us - are pawns in a wider game of chess designed to finish Western civilization and build a New World Order on its ashes. On a cosmic level, the plot is to hijack mankind and divert it to the service of Satan and his disciples.