Воспроизвожу тему о Кирсане для наших англоязычных читателей, приуроченную к 20-летней годовщине его пребывания у кормила ФИДЕ. Она является прямым продолжением нашей политики бессрочной дисквалификации Кирсана, Киппура и Каппароса ("Карпова и Каспарова"). Излагаемые здесь факты хорошо знакомы постоянным читателям "Шехины".
Twenty years ago on the fateful Friday night of November 24, 1995 (Shabbat Toledoth, 1 to 2 Kislev 5756) Illuminated Kirsan was elected "FIDE president" by a huge majority of the delegates of the FIDE General Assembly in Paris. Curiously enough no chess erudite is still ready to explain today why it was Kirsan (utterly obscure 33-years-old "Prince of the Steppes") who got elevated and acclaimed by the chess community.
I ask this question once and again and never get a coherent and plausible answer. Kirsan was a perfect unknown at those years. Most of the delegates knew nothing about his political or financial background and could hardly find tiny Kalmykia on the map of the world. And still they instantly believed Campo's and A. Kippur's presentation (with a tacit approval of the Kapparos' Mother).
So let me repeat this question one more time: WHY KIRSAN?
Masonic handshake with the former IOC President Mr. Jacques Rogge, 1st February 2007 in Lausanne
Interesting exchange of opinions took place yesterday on my FB page concerning the nature and identity of the so called "ILLUMINATI".
James Macdonald: Mr. Salov - forgive me for posting on your timeline - you can always delete this - but given the posts I saw from you today about Anand, and the little I know about where you're coming from, I wanted to make sure you saw this article...have a good day...
http://www.mensxp.com/special-features/ … n-men.html
The Secret Society Of Ancient India's Illuminati: The Story Of Ashoka's Nine Unknown Men
Valeri Salov: No, you are welcome, James, it's OK. The only thing I have to object to is the main concept of this article. In fact the so called "Illuminati" of the West are not a few unknown sages but rather millions of well-known corrupted crooks who are at everybody's sight and still everyone is trying to fake not to see them. We have Illuminated Kirsan (who celebrates today 20 years at the helm of FIDE), Illuminated Kippur, Illuminated Kapparos and so on. Everyone knows who they are and what is necessary to do with them. They may be called "book-keepers" but these are books of lies and iniquities that they keep.
Illuminated Kirsan and "Vishy 9/11 Anand"
James Macdonald: ok, well, thank you for your graciousness...obviously I need to learn more about your concept of the illuminati, because I didn't imagine there would be millions of members...I am glad that I am on your friends list and receiving your posts; I do find what you say interesting...thanks again...
Valeri Salov: I'm very happy that you are so well versed in these topics, James, and highly appreciate your opinions. Regarding the "Illuminati" I understand this term as a moniker for the adepts of Babylonian satanism. And there are hordes of them all around us. Since the XVIIIth century Europe is subjected to a veritable epidemy of "magnetism", spiritism, sorcery, witchcraft and "magick". This complete perversion of humane and divine laws is called "Illumination". The "illuminated" adepts are initiated into the luciferian doctrine of organized crime which is very profitable for them. To add insult to injury they call themselves "God's chosen". And what is the most unpleasant for me personally they call their insane and criminal system of "morality" (or rather lack of it): CHESS VALUES. Here is where their obsession with "progress", "advancement" and "development of chess" comes from. In Spanish they are sometimes called "masones ajedrezados".
An excellent polemical remark was made by Darko Polimac in the thread of my FB page dedicated to Kirsan’s 20 years in FIDE (a holiday frustrated by the WPC on November 9):
Darko Polimac:
We could talk about this. Well for start Kirsan gave 20 mil dol of his own money to chess. Just to Kasparov 2.5 mil. He is in my opinion as I met him in person very nice man. I think he is fair and both Kasparov and Karpov were just not good enough. I think he is good Fide president.
I’m ready to agree with you, Darko, but only in part. I’ve met Kirsan on a number of occasions and he made a great impression on me, I found him “very nice man” – exactly as you say.
Besides I think that he has a tremendous knack for politics. And I’m even ready to admit that Kirsan is not a bad FIDE president. The problem doesn’t lie in his personality but rather in his functions as the president of the World Chess Federation.
What do you think he is doing as FIDE president?
Kirsan congratulates the spiritual son of "rebe rex-moshiach" Magnus Carslen on winning of the Candidates Tournament, London 2013
He is supporting absolutely dehumanized system, which denies all human rights to those who have a disgrace to belong to it, the System entirely based on LIES, FRAUD and FALSIFICATION, the System of antichrist.
And he is doing a wonderful job maintaining this system afloat, making it look attractive for the brainwashed sheeple. The nicer he is, the better he is performing his functions as FIDE president, THE MORE DAMAGE HE INFLICTS ON THE WORLD.
Crowning Magnus and upholding false "chess values", World Chess Championship Match, Chennai 2013
This is something very important to understand. Kirsan helps to maintain a number of myths and execute misanthropic cabbalistic rituals that are absolutely lethal for humanity in a long run. He helps to cover them up. So, even if we felt a deep sympathy toward him personally we still would be forced to most energetically demand his disqualification.
Besides, I must add that Kirsan, unfortunately, has no “money of his own”. This is the common problem with all the so called “Russian oligarchs”.
Following the massive pillage of the "Soviet State" in the years of “perestroika” they have been entrusted by the synagogue to be managers of (sometimes) substantial funds and they are able to spend part of it on their own needs. But generally they have no money of their own and they are not allowed to dedicate such huge amounts ($20 million) wantonly without being ordered to do so by the synagogue.
You should not forget that these “oligarchs” are all “komsomolets” and members of the Communist Party. In fact in his years of study in the Moscow Institute of Foreign Relations Kirsan was not an ordinary Party member but a vice-secretary of the Institutes’ Party Committee, responsible for ideology.
These people do not belong to themselves, they are obsessed with constructing “communism” – or, to be more precise, the planetary Auschwitz. They are daydreaming about it – this is what the Babylonian Talmud promised them.
In his youth Kirsan was also involved in trafficking of drugs:
По данным журнала «Компромат.ру» (№24 за 2004 г.), в 1988 г. был исключен из института и партии, но вскоре восстановлен.
«Первое правонарушение господина Илюмжинова связано с изъятием в 1988 г. у него в гостинице «Пекин» наркотиков [и заведением на него уголовного дела], которое потом по ходатайству известных людей было закрыто».
According to the magazine “Compromat.ru” (2004/issue 24) in 1988 Kirsan was detained in the Moscow hotel “Pekin” and sued for “possession of drugs”. For this malfeasance he was expelled from the Party and Institute but later readmitted after the intervention of some high Party officials.
Kirsan with the former IOC President Mr. Juan Antonio Samaranch, Lausanne 1997
You see, I have no personal grudge against Kirsan. I even like him in his role of “politician”. But it’s not the matter of personal preferences and sympathies.
Even if we find these "Illuminated" adepts nice in some respects we must not forget that they profess the crazy Cult of Necromancy, Drugs, Lies and Death. And this Chaldean cult is killing humanity – slowly but surely.
Let me reproduce here my answer to a question about Kirsan's family revolutionary traditions. It sheds some interesting light on the origins of his descent to the "yawning chess summits" of FIDE but still doesn't resolve our main problem: WHY EXACTLY KIRSAN?
(23-05-2014 17:47 ) ziggy stardust escribió:
¿En serio que el muy iluminado Kirsan es nieto de Semion Budioni (o Budennyi)?
No es una gran carta de presentación, la verdad...
El amigo Budioni fue un desastre de general. Sus tácticas militares resultaron estar obsoletas al estallar la II guerra mundial. Se libró de ser escabechado porque tenía amistad con Stalin pero se le retiró del frente antes de finalizar 1941, oficialmente "por depresión". Menos mal que teníais a Zukhov.
Aunque esto se puede prestar a una interpretación histórica distinta de la oficial, claro está...
Bueno, no del propio mariscal Budennyi, sino de su comisario político. Eso es lo que dicen todas las biografías de Kirsán.
Sin embargo hace poco él mismo había ofrecido otra versión. Él reconoció que el hermano mayor de su abuelo (que se llamaba también "Kirsán Ilyumzhinov") era el comisario político del segundo ejército de la caballería roja (comandantes: O. Gorodovikov y F. Mironov). Y este comisario fue reconocido por los camaradas K. Voroshilov y S. Budennyi como "un héroe de la guerra civil".
En la práctica llegar a estas alturas en aquellos años significaba pertenecer a la nomenclatura de los satanistas babilonios (como la familia del lazarillo de Bakú) o ser su fiel títere. Luego este "héroe" se hubo suicidado o fue asesinado, no se sabe bien. Quien era su abuelo Kirsán no desvela.
Todo está mencionado en su entrevista de 3 de agosto de 2012 para DJMAG.
Iluminado Kirsán y los extraterrestresПомощник мой принес из библиотеки книжку про героев гражданской войны. Эта улица была названа в честь старшего брата моего деда. Он был комиссаром Второй конной армии. В 1914 году работал учителем в гимназии, и его отправили на фронт. Там он развернул деятельность против империалистической войны. Его приговорили к расстрелу. Он бежал и организовал большевистскую революционную ячейку. В 1919 году, когда они освободили от белых станицу Великокняжескую Ростовской области, он не согласился как донской казак с казнями местного казачьего населения. И потом, когда увидел воочию, как советская власть организовывается и половине жителей поотрубали головы – не выдержал. Открыто выступил против красного террора. По одной версии, его застрелили. По другой, он сам застрелился. Не мог поддерживать такую власть. Но остался признанным Ворошиловым и Буденным героем гражданской войны. Колхоз был назван в его честь, и памятник ему стоит в Ростовской области. Вот такой был человек.